Olá queridos seguidores do E-dublin,
Meu nome é Agata, sou professora de Inglês e Espanhol em várias instituições aqui em Dublin. A partir de agora serei mais uma colaboradora do E-Dublin para ajudá-los com dicas da Língua Inglesa.
Como muitos latinos emigrei da Argentina para a Irlanda a oito anos atrás e aqui encontrei o meu novo lar.Também conto com um assistente brasileiro, o professor Paulo, professor de Inglês com experiência na área de Língua Inglesa em cursos de idiomas e universidades no Brasil e Português para estrangeiros aqui na Irlanda. Paulo vive em Dublin a um ano ,e também como eu, se apaixonou pela Irlanda. Esperamos que nossa experiência na área de línguas e vivência em Dublin ajude-os a conquistar o seu lugar na belissima cidade de Dublin.
Bom, como meu português não é nada fluente, as minhas dicas em inglês (bom para já irem treinando!). Caso tenham dúvidas, ou não entendam algo, por favor me enviem através de comentários, que o Edu e o Homero me ajudam a traduzir suas dúvidas.
Switching to English now :)
The best way to learn a new language is living and working with native speakers. So, in this first article we will talk about “resume” or “CV”. The purpose of the resume is to describe your life-work experience to best advantage for the prospective employer. It should be a precise description about accomplishments, skills, and experience so that employers will want to know more in an interview. You may need more than one version for different jobs.
Expressing Skills and Achievements
• Express skills with actions verbs and industry key words to show benefits or results of the work you have performed. Express problems you have solved that lend punch and add variety to your resume.
• Include key words or nouns that specify areas of experience, i.e.: Team Leader, Waiter, and Sales assistant, Barman.
• Begin statement with actions that are followed by results: Increased company market niche and profitability by designing customer preference survey.
• Omit personal pronouns, “I”, and articles, “the” and “a”.
You might ask yourself: “What is an action verb?”
First of all you need a clear understanding of what a verb is. A verb is a word, which implies action or the doing of something, or it may be defined as a word, which affirms, commands or asks a question. Action verbs are quite simple:
• Something that a person or thing can do may be used alone as the main verb of a sentence e.g. run, jump, fell, yell, etc!
Action verbs can also be actions you can’t see such as ‘thought’ or ‘wanted’.
Remember to use these action verbs in writing your resume and cover letters to increase the strength of your writing and make potential employers take notice of your accomplishments and skills! They help make a strong impression. Some examples are: Arranged, Clarified, Collaborated, Communicated, Debated, Developed, Expressed, Involved, Marketed, Negotiated, Participated, Promoted, Proposed, Reinforced, Resolved, Suggested, etc.
Hope this first article has been useful for designing a new English CV. We will be in touch very soon with more suggestions.
Agata B. Calvo
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